Artist of Life,

I believe we know each other already.
You’re someone who seeks and makes meaning.
You’ve always been something of a rebel and a misfit.
You’re on a conscious path of awakening, eager to share your story.
You’re ready to connect the many threads of your life into a single tapestry, a living and breathing work of art through which to know yourself and others. This is your life.
You know the feeling of alignment, especially when stewarding your talents.
You’ve succeeded, you’ve failed. You’ve flown, you’ve crashed. You’ve been well and you’ve ailed. You’ve taken yourself on big-time, this time.
You’re in good company.
We share a language, you and I, whose key notes are freedom, love, purpose, joy, truth, integrity, connection, courage, beauty and reverence.
You recognize the call to art firstly as a call to self, and from there as a call to serving others. You don’t just speak prettily from the surface to get a job you can stomach, but from the core to get a life you can love. You dig into your past, your core and your wounds to transmute them. You sift and sift through every gift of your rude awakenings. You are RudeWoke.
As a creative being, saying YES to life is your essential means to both awaken and thrive. You recognize your guides for they are on the same path to where you’re feeling called next. Your kin are those with whom you’re writing the new story of our delicate planet.

I strive to bring love to art, and art to everything I am and do.
I’m a humanist. I stand for human beings.
I’m an intimist. I stand for them eye to eye.
In my performance art and in my personal life, I’ve chosen my own path with intimacy as its clarion call. Radical intimacy in song and in relationship. Radical authenticity.
Across five decades and with many a trusted collaborator, I am today an artist of the stage and of life. A Bühnenkünstler and Lebenskünstler, in my native German. Not everyone is born for stage artistry, but everyone is born for life artistry. Your life is your own greatest work of art, is it not?