My gratitude goes to…

My long-time artistic collaborator and friend, Barb. Our photo shoot in the fall of 2018 hit the mark starting with the evocative Goddess image on the home page of which I’d only been dreaming. Radically intimate, it embodies the key concept of RudeWoke that I introduce on these pages.

My web guru Sue whose design cements my vision and  whose patience and encouragement are just what I needed to guide me in establishing the look, feel, tone, layout and flow of this site.

My friend and fan Chinua who sat with me in the early stages of my scheming and helped me get my bearings regarding the What, When, Where and Why this time around.

Dennis and Steve for the hawk images (Writing and Gathering main pages, respectively). This great raptor first appeared in my life in 1998 in Texas and has of late been a special guardian on my own journey of awakening.

The various voyeurs of my craft and life (listed right) that have been at the other end of the lens. Your images are what bring this content to life. Thank you, danke, merci, gracias, obrigado, arigato!

My students for their testimonials which are themselves a lesson from them to me. My friends on 4 continents ~ Michelle, Bian, Mike, Christina and Bax ~ for engaging with the site during previews.

MacLean for building me the first back in 1998 when the Internet was brand new and always bringing his sense of beauty and unabashed ooohs, ohs and sometime ugh to all my endeavoring from front row center and from the wings.

I’ve poured through two decades of Life Artistry to share here what I am most proud of and keen to share and steward. With a great big yippee, I set this site free!




Hero Image ~ Barbara Nitke, T’Rah Veal (make-up)
Hawks ~ Dennis Davenport, Stephen Vaughan

Concerts/Headshots ~ Rand Alhadeff, Jaqueline Chambord, Michelle DeBlasi, Gerry Goodstein, Shannon Greer, R. Maclean Kohler, Oliver Martin, Stefan Schlueter, Jason Speakman, Heather Sullivan, Takako Suzuki-Harkness, Russ Weatherford


Goddess ~ James Arthur Vogel
The Conversation ~ Alex Grey


Design ~ Sue Jenkins,
Consultation ~ Chinua Thomas, Fringe Productions



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