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CROWN Cross-Generational Dialogue Among Women (virtual)

University of Arizona - Kiva Ballroom Tucson

BY INVITATION. Crown Circle is a cross-generational dialogue between youth and elderwomen from a variety of countries, cultures and identification across the feminine sisgender spectrum. Founded in 2018 by Karen Kohler, its aim is to create a space for women at the polar ends of the adult feminine life cycle to sit down together and dialogue around questions of selfhood, family, partnership, work and purpose. Read more at www.karenkohler.com/gathering/crown-circle. Contact us at info@karenkohler.com with questions.


Workshop – “BACKSTORY: Retrieving Your Childhood Artist

University of Arizona - Kiva Ballroom Tucson

From Karen's Lifecraft series ~ ABOUT THIS VIRTUAL WORKSHOP What if you knew that you’re exactly in the right place in your artistry right now, and that all paths and detours have been artful and of service already. That’s right. You’re here because you’re ready to connect the threads of your life and own the artist you are and were [...]


Interview & Performance for Piano Man Jazz Club in India (virtual)

Piano Man Jazz Club New Delhi

Delighted to be a guest on "Socially Distanced", coming to you live on Facebook from India. The series is hosted by my dear friend and musical soulmate, Arjun Sagar Gupta, owner of India's top jazz club, The Piano Man. Part 1 - Recorded on April 24, 2020 is the interview portion (the story of my path to the stage). Part [...]

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