
Presenter, Science of Consciousness Conference 2022

By |2022-08-31T14:35:59-04:00April 20th, 2022||

I'm honored to present my monologue, Songs, Psychedelics and Seizures: A One-Woman Flow at the Science of Consciousness Conference 2022. Sponsored by the University of Arizona in Tucson (my alma mater), this year's program includes such consciousness studies leaders as Roger Penrose, Dennis McKenna, Robin Carhart-Harris, Katrin Preller, Christof Koch, Elizabeth Krasnoff and Deepak Chopra. I've chosen a topic, Flow, with [...]

The Rudewoke Sessions has launched!

By |2022-07-24T16:07:27-04:00April 3rd, 2020|Key Dates, News & Events, Rudewoke Podcast|

I proudly announce the launch of my podcast, The Rudewoke Sessions! Find me in conversation with creatives of all kinds, getting inside the un-curated story of their lives to reveal the defining moment that changed everything and set them on their paths as passionate artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, activists, explorers and more. We have to wake up before we can [...]

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